Dr. Alvah is the major villain of the animated series LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission in season 1, a secondary character in season 2 and a villain again for season 3. She is yet to appear in any sets.
To see Dr Alvah's Relationships Click here:Dr Alvah/Relationships
Dr. Alvah was originally introduced as a brilliant scientist and was once idolized by Olivia, but the truth of the matter is Dr. Alvah is also a ruthless businesswoman who will crush any obstacles to her plan, often through nefarious and illegal methods.
Her plans have often been unintentionally foiled by the girls, causing her to hate them intensely, although they did not discover her direct enmity until "The Daft and the Furious". She employs two dimwitted henchmen to carry out her secret missions, Ricky and Joey.
In season 2, she appears to have become a bit more easygoing and less nefarious, although it's implied she still has some secret plans for Heartlake City, she's even given Olivia a scholarship.
Dr Alvah's favorite numbers are prime numbers, which makes it very easy to guess the 4 digit code she creates, 2357.
Carter Greene has somehow pressured Dr. Alvah and her henchmen into working for him for his plans to find Heartlake City's sunken treasure. As time passes, it's shown that she's starting to be concerned that Carter is much more malevolent then she ever was at her worst, to the point of wondering if their working arrangement is a bad partnership.
When Carter's criminal record is revealed, AlvahCorp's Board of Directors uses this as a reason to fire Dr. Alvah due to her association with him. With nowhere left to go, she goes to the Friendship House and asks Olivia to stay for a few days. Unfortunately for the girls, Dr. Alvah kicks them out and takes over the Friendship House completely, forcing the girls to leave their second home in exchange for a rundown old tour bus.
Because Dr. Alvah mentions she doesn't understand what it means to have friends, it is highly likely she never had any.
Fun Facts[]
- Her full name is Mallory Erebus Alvah. "Mallory" means "bad luck" which is fitting for her villainous nature. Erebus means darkness. Some sources say that "Alvah" means "evil" but it may also be derived from "Alva" which means "white" in Irish. Dr. Alvah dresses entirely in white.
- Her full name in the German episodes is Renate Brigitte Alvah. "Renate" strangely means "The born again". "Brigitte" means "divine", which fits, as Olivia adored her at the beginning.
- Dr. Alvah really doesn't like children, so she insists they be kept as far away from her as possible, as shown in The Daft and the Furious and Fashionably Old. The reason why is because they are annoying and noisy.
- According to Olivia in "The Artist's Way", Dr. Alvah holds 85 separate patents, including one for vanishing bio-polymers.
- AlvahCorp has many products, including: battery operated lipstick, smart coffee, solar sneakers, roboradar.
- Dr. Alvah has been living in Heartlake City for a long time, because she mentions having heard the tale of the explorers' treasure ever since she was a little girl.
- Dr. Alvah runs a company called AlvahCorp.
- Dr. Alvah is officially introduced in The Artist's Way, however in episodes 1 to 5 of season 1, multiple billboards for her company are shown. Ethan is also shown drawing over her posters, showing that he doesn’t like her.
- Carter calls her "Alvah", "Mallory" or "My doll".
- The Artist's Way
- Fashionably Old
- The Daft and the Furious
- The Lake Monster
- Attack of the Alvahbots
- Explorer's Day
- Lights Out
- Never Stop Exploring
- Heartness Monster
- Greene Gardens
- Frame & Fortune
- Locket & Key
- Heartmore
- Le Scuba
- Map Quest
- Heart of The Sea
- Winner Sings All
- Mearff
- Once Upon a Lighthouse
- Zobo 2.0
- Stranded
- Alvah's Flair
- The Real Deal
- Walk This Way
- The Art of Being Carter Greene
- Save the Bay
- House Guest
- Emma, P.I.
- The feels
- Mt Heartmore