LEGO Friends Wiki

Not to be confused with Casey.

Kacey is one of the many minor characters of LEGO Friends.

To see Kacey's Relationships Click here: Kacey Relationships


Kacey works for Carter Greene, she was sent to break up the friendships of the girls and to get them to leave Heartlake City if possible.
She started her infilitration of the group by volunteering to work for Donna at the Animal Rescue Overflow Clinic.

She is skilled in basketball, singing, dancing, coding/programming, sculpting and horseriding.
It is likely she trained in these skills specifically to give her ways to befriend the girls.
She's also a trained scuba-diver.

She's only pretended to like the girls as part of her cover which most of the girls except for Mia fell for it. In "The Real Deal", she revealed that her true feelings about them is that they are a the nicest friends she ever had.

It is revealed that Carter lied to Kacey about the girls, he told her they were evil and he was the hero of the story. When Kacey later finds out that Carter is a suspected conman and most likely has no intention of paying her for the work she did, she joins forces with the girls to work against him.

After Kacey helps defeat Carter Greene, she returns to her home city.

Kacey is referred to as a "bad-girl" in the official description for Dolphins Rescue Mission (41378).

Fun Facts[]

  • Kacey's torso, head piece and legs are unique to her.
  • Kacey is, so far, the first and only villainous minidoll in LEGO Friends, including the pre-reboot.
  • Kacey's name has the same pronunciation almost like Lacy but the difference is that Kacey has K and Lacey has L in the beginning.
  • Kacey has an hair torso piece like Anna, Ms Stevens, Roxy, Sandra, Sienna, Amy and Dr. Patel.
  • Kacey is left-handed.




