The LEGO® Group/LEGO® Systems A/S commissioned an CGI-animated television series to accompany the debut of the LEGO® Friends line in 2012. The animated television series is principally produced by the studio iterations of M2 Entertainment and Picture This Studio. Duckling & Sonne and Sound Earest added to the production until the Netflix series in 2016. An associated array of LEGO® Friends webisodes of 2D-animated shorts of up to 5 minutes length was released on YouTube as its third incarnation.
Although shown on-air as simply Friends followed by the episode title underneath, the first season was branded as LEGO® Friends: Friends Are Forever and also acts as the Friends' first incarnation. The second season branded as LEGO® Friends: United as One and the third season as LEGO® Friends: Friends Together Again acted as the second incarnation which features the animation production with more dark-shadow gradients on the characters. This continued in the third incarnation with an exclusive Netflix original series; LEGO® Friends: The Power of Friendship / Friends: The Power of Friendship. LEGO® Friends of Heartlake City / Friends of Heartlake City acts as the fourth and final season of Friends under that animation interface. The series appear in forms of half-hour TV episodes branded as specials that are aired every so often. The series features the 5 BFFs; Andrea, Emma, Mia, Olivia and Stephanie, alongside some recurring characters in Heartlake City.
On January 3, 2018, the Friends line's fourth and current incarnation: Girls on a Mission, with a complete animation revamp began broadcast on the same networks as the previous incarnations only for the first season and via YouTube since its second season onwards although multiple TV networks air them to suit their broadcast schedule, most notably Pop in the UK & Ireland and Nine Network in Australia. In 2019, Picture This Studio was renamed M2 Animation and combines with M2Film for the episode production to this day.
On October 27, 2022, LEGO announced a brand new reboot of the Lego Friends franchise called The Next Chapter, which introduced brand new characters as the protagonists while also including some previous characters. Unlike other reboots that redid the franchise completely, this reboot (like its title suggests) is a continuation that supposedly takes place after the events from the Girls on a Mission series.
Title Cards[]
List of episodes[]
Season 1[]
Season 2[]
Season 3[]
Season 4[]
Season 5[]
- The Drooling Detective
- Rabbitouille
- Change of Address
- Dive In
- I Told You So
- Snow Way
- Midwinter Night's Dream
LEGO Friends: The Power of Friendship (Netflix Series)[]
LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission[]
Season 1[]
- Welcome to Heartlake City
- Friendship House
- Sister Act
- Into the Woods
- The Shadow Group
- The Artist's Way
- Fashionably Old
- Match Made in the Studio
- The Daft and the Furious
- The Team
- Escape from Trash Island
- Need for Speed
- The Lake Monster
- Together Again
- Attack of the Alvahbots
- The Grand Prix
Season 2[]
- Explorer's Day
- Lights Out
- Never Stop Exploring
- Heartness Monster
- Greene Gardens
- Frame & Fortune
- Locket & Key
- Real Friends
- Tunnel of Darkness
- Heartmore
- Le Scuba
- Map Quest
- Heart of The Sea
- Winner Sings All
- Mearff
- Once Upon a Lighthouse
- No Horsing Around
- Zobo 2.0
- Stranded
- Alvah's Flair
- Operation Keep Quiet
- Stakeout
- The Real Deal
- Walk This Way
- The Art of Being Carter Greene
- Save the Bay
Season 3[]
- Follow Your Passion
- House Guest
- Zobo And Zoe
- Game On
- Go for the Gold
- Strike a Chord
- Unstoppable Friendship
- Emma, P.I.
- Daddy's Girl
- Miarella
- Part of the Herd
- Free Bird
- The Feels
- Artifact or Fiction
- The Right Stuff
- Gone With the Winds
- Mt Heartmore
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Splash Bash
- Making Memories
Season 4[]
- House Party
- Four-legged Friends
- Trading Places
- It's a Mall World
- Fortunate Friends
- Behind the Curtain
- Funhouse Escape
- The Big Show
LEGO Shorts (2020)[]
- Road Trip
- Extreme Cake-Off
- Zobo's Upgrade
- Over the Hurdle
- The Pet's Secret Mission
- Catwalk
- Secret Friend
LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter (2023)[]
Season 1[]
Pilot: New Beginnings
- Welcome Zac
- Fright Night
- Doodle Doom
- Tap Tap Pup Pup Clean
- Unstopable Puppies
- The Heart Of Heartlake
- Over-Leveraged Leo
- Decisions, Decisions
- It Takes A Village
- Come Together
- The Perfect Holiday
Season 2[]
- Farm Fest
- Space Race Competition
- Liann's Magic Lucky Charms
- Autumn's Stunts Trouble
- Zac's Job Hunt
- Ley-La, Rise of a Music Star
- Friends Fright Challenge
- Olly's Quest for Fame
- Secret Crush
- Music "Battle of the Stars"
- Friends Reunite
- Holiday Gift Swap Disaster
Season 3[]
- No news is Bad news
- Piano problems
- Prank Wars
- Hungry Hungry Pickle
- Moon Pegasus Saga: BEST COMIC EVER!
- Leo's Camping Trip
Fun Facts[]
- All the girls have a Friendship House for keeping all their mission equipment and plans. It looks beautiful with their team symbols.