LEGO Friends Wiki

Mayor Butaire is a recurring LEGO Friends character. He is yet to appear in any sets.


Mayor Butaire is the mayor of Heartlake City and the primary antagonist of LEGO Friends: The Power of Friendship and season 5 of LEGO Friends since Getting Out the Vote. He is shown as arrogant and snobby.

In Getting Out the Vote, his campaign posters show that his first name is Burwell and he introduces himself by this name. Before he became mayor, he was a billionaire and businessman.

He has a mother who lives in the Heartlake Retirement home, mentioned when he states he demolished the previous home while she was still a listed resident. The only reason he doesn't demolish the existing home is because he doesn't want to move her again.

Fun Facts[]

  • Alicia, Stephanie's mother, is Mayor Butaire's lawyer.
  • Unlike other characters in the show, Mayor Butaire is of a more square build.
  • Most of the characters call him “Mayor Butthair” behind his back.
  • Also, when people are getting angry, they miss pronounce his name as 'Butt hair'.
  • Butaire replaces Carter Greene in the 2012 series.




