"Welcome to the Juice Bar, Andrea!"
"One strawberry smoothie coming up."
Naya is one of the many minor characters of LEGO Friends.
Official LFChE Bio[]
When she's not whipping up tasty fresh drinks at the Heartlake Juice Bar, Naya can be found surfing the waves at Ambersands Beach. She's a free spirit and the girls admire her fun attitude.
Naya takes pride in her work - she spends ages concocting the perfect juice and making it look fabulous.
Naya is considering her career options. She thinks she might like to travel the world, helping people in need.
She is Andrea's boss at the Juice Bar and a friend of hers.
Fun Facts[]
- In the LEGO Friends Character Encyclopedia Naya has Olivia's 2012-2017 face, but in the other sets she has Mia's. It is unknown how or why this happened.
- Naya has her freckles in the webisodes, but not in the episodes.
- Naya, Sandra and Laurie are the only other characters, besides Mia herself, who use Mia's 2012-2017 face.
- Naya, Amy, Danielle, Lily, Marie, Natasha and Theresa are the many characters, besides Olivia herself, who use Olivia's 2012-2017 head piece.
- Naya and Liza are the only two characters who have used two different head pieces, excluding Vicky from the reboot.
- In the sets, Naya has Danielle’s hair, and is styled like this in the webisodes, but in the episodes and commercials, she has hair like Isabella’s.