Nice Prank is the ninth episode of Season 1 of the LEGO Friends webisodes.
The friends use each of their talents to pull a prank on Olivia. But who gets the last laugh?
Plot (Spoilers)[]
The school day at Heartlake High has ended. As Andrea, Emma, Mia, and Stephanie are about to leave, Andrea notices a camera that someone had left in the classroom. When they turn the camera on, it begins to play Olivia's Science Show, so they instantly know that the camera belongs to Olivia.
They decide to stop by her house on their way home so that they can return it to her.
Olivia is not home, so the girls go to her room to wait for her. They are bored and wonder what they should do while they wait. Stephanie suggests that they prank Olivia. Andrea, Emma, and Mia agree.
Stephanie volunteers to be "Olivia" first. She puts on Olivia's clothes and pretends to be in Olivia's Science Show while the others film her. Stephanie tries to discuss photosynthesis, but realizes that she doesn’t quite know what that is. She admits that pretending to be Olivia is harder than she thought. Emma prompts her to talk about Jacob before Mia interjects.
Mia, pretending to be Olivia, starts to discuss the time Olivia rescued animals in the jungle, which gives Emma the idea of painting Olivia's room to look like a jungle setting. Andrea, Mia, and Stephanie tell her that's not going to happen.
Next, Andrea pretends to be Olivia. She pretends to make a television out of a potato in a comedic scene that causes Emma, Mia, and Stephanie to giggle.
Just as Andrea finishes, Olivia enters the room and asks them what is going on. Mia explains that they were making her a video and Olivia suggests that they watch it. She questions why they are all wearing her clothes, but they do not answer.
As they watch the video, Olivia tells the girls that they are terrible at pulling pranks. Olivia films herself as she says that this has all been a special edition of Olivia's Science Show, "What happens when you leave your camera for your friends to find." She tells the girls to smile and wave for the camera and they all laugh.
- Mia was the only one of the girls in Olivia's clothes to not wear a headband, because she normally never does.
- Olivia's camera plays footage from the episode Olivia's Science Show when she had an older voice actress, in this episode, she is played by a different actress.