LEGO Friends Wiki

Ricky is a recurring LEGO Friends character. He is yet to appear in any sets.


Ricky is one of two henchmen working for Dr Alvah.

Out of the two, he is the meaner one, unlike his partner-in-crime Joey, who can sometimes be nicer. He also appears to be the smarter of the two.

He is primarily employed in carrying out secret missions for Dr Alvah, although sometimes he will actually be seen working publicly as one of her guards.
When working on secret missions, he's usually disguised as a common street hoodlum, but when not disguised, he'll wear an Alvah corporation uniform.
Due to the girls having seen him several times in his hoodlum disguise, he added a fake moustache to prevent them recognising him easily.

Ricky and Joey are also trained dancers, with a speciality in ballet.

Ricky has a grandmother named Pansy.

In the past, Ricky had a pet turtle and still is very emotionally attached to this animal.

Fun Facts[]

  • Ricky has a tattoo of an anchor on his left arm.




