LEGO Friends Wiki

Room For Practice is the twenty-fifth episode of Season 2 of the LEGO Friends webisodes.


When Mia's parents need to use the garage, the band needs to find a new rehearsal spot.

Plot (Spoilers)[]

As the girls finish their rehearsal session, Mia tells them that they need to find a new place to practice, as her parents need to use the garage for storage and to park the car.

The girls take all their instruments to the school newspaper office for temporary storage while they try to figure out where to rehearse. Andrea takes them to a hill on a field far from the school. Mia is annoyed because her drums are heavy and she's having to push them in a wheelbarrow. At first it sounds like a good idea, then it starts raining and they have to pack up their musical instruments again. Stephanie's idea of helping Mia is to take one of the cymbals to use as an umbrella.

After they get back to the office, Andrea says they just have to wait for the rain to stop, then find a rooftop deck to rehearse on. Mia gets so annoyed at the idea of having to move her drums again that she screams in anger and plays an extremely loud drum solo.

There is a knocking on the door, it's Ms Stevens and Stephanie apologises for the noise Mia made. She is surprised to discover that Ms Stevens didn't hear anything, she thought nobody was there because it was quiet, she was just coming by to leave an ad for the newspaper. The girls realise this means that the office is soundproof and therefore, the perfect rehearsal space.

Fun Facts[]

  • Mia's Roadster can be seen in the background at the start of the webisode.




Room for practice - LEGO Friends - Season 2 Episode 25
